Social and Economic Indicators
Tasmania’s fisheries are important to a range of users and to the community for the social and economic benefits they generate. Taking account of these social and economic interests is an objective of the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 and it is an important part of achieving broad sustainability for a fishery.
IMAS undertakes assessment of economic and social indicators for each fishery through ongoing monitoring activity and as part of research projects.
Further information is available in these reports:
Economic ContributionTasmanian Key Sectors (2018-2019) REPORT (Aug 2021) – (PDF File 642.8 KB)
Economic ContributionTasmanian Key Sectors (2018-2019) SNAPSHOT (Aug 2021) – (PDF File 4.5 MB)
Economic and Social Assessment of Tasmanian Fisheries 2016/17 – (PDF File 668)