Longsnout Boarfish Catch, Effort and CPUE

Catch, Effort and CPUE

Commercial Longsnout Boarfish catches in Tasmanian waters are primarily derived from gillnet. Catches have been declining from peaks of approximately 10 tonnes (recorded in 1996/97) but appear to have stabilised at low levels since 2013/14. The distribution of Longsnout Boarfish catch from gillnet fishing appears to have contracted from waters around the state, albeit with minimal catch and effort on the west coast, to predominantly the east and southeast coasts.

Longsnout Boarfish are not caught by rod and line and no recreational catch estimates are available for gillnet for this species. However, about 1000 individuals were recorded (both kept and released) in the 2012/13 recreational fishing survey (Lyle et al. 2014b), which indicates that Longsnout Boarfish are not a common recreational species.

Following a peak in 2008/09, commercial gillnetting effort declined and has since remained below or close to effort levels from the reference year. CPUE also shows a general declining trend, with notable annual fluctuation.

The latest full Scalefish Assessment can be found at the link:

Latest Scalefish Assessment