Goulds Squid Biology


SpeciesNototodarus gouldi
Common NameGould’s squid
HabitatOpen water; coastal, inner shelf and shelf break waters
Depth≤ 600 m (Stark, 2008)
DistributionSouthern Queensland to mid-Western Australia, around Tasmania (Dunning, 1998; Dunning and Förch, 1998)
DietSmall planktonic crustaceans, fish, squid (Machida, 1983; O’Sullivan and Cullen, 1983; Smith, 1983; Uozumi, 1998; Pethybridge et al., 2012)
Stock StructureUncertain, appears only one population in southern Australia
MovementMove widely within a 300 km2 area but no large-scale migration between feeding and spawning areas as for other similar squid species (Jackson et al., 2005a; Triantafillos et al., 2004)
M (Natural Mortality)Undetermined
Maximum Age (years)1 (Jackson et al., 2005b)
Maximum Length (mantle length; cm)40 (Norman and Reid, 2000)
Maximum Weight (g)1600 (Norman and Reid, 2000)
Growth Rate (non-von Bertalanffy)2.559 – 5.596 g/day (females), 1.622 – 5.307 g/day (males); size-at-age highly variable between individuals, years, and locations (Jackson et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2005b)
Size at Maturity (length (mantle length; cm) at which 50% of population are sexually mature)30.6-31.4 (females), 20.5-21.5 (males) (Stark, 2008)
Spawning SeasonYear-round
Additional Spawning InformationSemelparous; egg masses are free-floating gelatinous sphere of at least 1.5m diameter, containing several thousands of eggs (Jackson et al., 2005b; Uozumi, 1998; O’Shea et al., 2004)
RecruitmentHighly variable; no-stock recruitment established
Early Life HistoryHatching throughout year (Jackson et al., 2005b; Uozumi, 1998)