Shortspined Sea Urchin Management

Fishery Management

Shortspined sea urchin and Longspined sea urchin. Credit: Matt Testoni

The Department of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) is bound by the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 to ensure that fisheries are managed in a sustainable manner. However, with the lack of information about the native sea urchin stock NRE has adopted a precautionary approach to guide it in setting catch limits for the species. The harvest strategy for shortspined sea urchins in Tasmania in the Commercial Dive Fishery policy document (NRE 2005, 2011) uses catch rates and size structure as performance indicators for the fishery.

Harvest of the native shortspined sea urchin (Heliocidaris erythrogramma) is subject to a state-wide total allowable catch (TAC) that is divided among five management zones around Tasmania.

Details on the current TAC and management controls for the Tasmanian Periwinkle Fishery is provided on the Department of Natural Resources & Environment (NRE) website at the link: