Scallop References

Scallop References


Tracey, S. R., & Lyle, J. M. (2011). Stock assessment of scallops in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, 2006-2011 [IMAS].
Semmens, J., Ewing, G., & Day, R. (2021). Tasmanian scallop fishery assessment 2020.
Semmens, J., Ewing, G., & Keane, J. (2018). Tasmanian scallop fishery assessment  2017 (p. 34).
Semmens, J., Ewing, G., & Keane, J. (2019). Tasmanian scallop fishery assessment  2018 (p. 28).
Semmens, J., Ewing, G., & Keane, J. (2020). Tasmanian scallop fishery assessment 2019 (p. 28).
Ewing, G., Semmens, J., & Parkinson, J. (2017). Tasmanian scallop fishery assessment 2016 (p. 28) [IMAS].


General Biology

Barber, B. J., & Blake, N. J. (2006). Chapter 6 Reproductive Physiology. In S. E. Shumway & G. J. Parsons (Eds.), Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science (Vol. 35, pp. 357–416). Elsevier.
Minchin, D. (2003). Introductions: some biological and ecological characteristics of scallops. Aquatic Living Resources, 16(6), 521–532.
Olsen, A. M. (1955). Underwater Studies on the Tasmanian Commercial Scallop, Notovola meridionalis (Tate) (Lamellibranchiata: Pectinidae). Marine and Freshwater Research, 6(3), 392–409.
Young, P. C., West, G. J., McLoughlin, R. J., & Martin, R. B. (1999). Reproduction of the commercial scallop, Pecten fumatus, Reeve, 1852 in Bass Strait, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 50(5), 417–425.


Brand, A. R. (2016). Chapter 11 - Scallop Ecology: Distributions and Behaviour. In S. E. Shumway & G. J. Parsons (Eds.), Developments in Aquaculture and Fisheries Science (Vol. 40, pp. 469–533). Elsevier.
Tremblay, I., Guderley, H. E., & Himmelman, J. H. (2012). Swimming away or clamming up: the use of phasic and tonic adductor muscles during escape responses varies with shell morphology in scallops. Journal of Experimental Biology, 215(23), 4131–4143.

Recruitment and Settlement

Cropp, D. A. (1988). Hatchery Production of Scallop Spat for Large Scale Reseeding Trials (FRDC No. Project No. 1984/093; p. 96).
Hammond, L., Black, K., Jenkins, G., & Hodgkinson, R. (1994). The influence of water circulation patterns in Bass Strait on recruitment success and stock differences in scallops. (FRDC No. Project No. 87/117).
Hortle, M. E., & Cropp, D. A. (1987). Settlement of the commercial scallop, Pecten fumatus (Reeve) 1855, on artificial collectors in eastern Tasmania. Aquaculture, 66(1), 79–95.
Mendo, T., Lyle, J., Tracey, S., Moltschaniwskyj, N. A., & Semmens, J. (2013). Post-settlement processes affecting Commercial Scallop recruitment in South East Tasmanian [IMAS].
Sause, B. L., Gwyther, D., & Burgess, D. (114 C.E.). Larval settlement, juvenile growth and the potential use of spatfall indices to predict recruitment of the scallop Pecten alba Tate in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Fish. Res.
Semmens, J. M., Mendo, T., Jones, N., Keane, J. P., Ewing, G., & Hartmann, K. (2019). Determining when and where to fish: Linking scallop spawning, settlement, size and condition to collaborative spatial harvest and industry in-season management strategies (FRDC No. Project No. 2012/027; p. 100).

Dredging and Habitat

Beukers-Stewart, B. D., Vause, B. J., Mosley, M. W. J., Rossetti, H. L., & Brand, A. R. (2005). Benefits of closed area protection for a population of scallops. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298, 189–204.
Boulcott, P., Millar, C. P., & Fryer, R. J. (2014). Impact of scallop dredging on benthic epifauna in a mixed-substrate habitat. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 71(4), 834–844.
Bradshaw, C., Veale, L. O., Hill, A. S., & Brand, A. R. (2001). The effect of scallop dredging on Irish Sea benthos: experiments using a closed area. Hydrobiologia, 465(1), 129–138.
Currie, D., & Parry, G. (1996). Effects of scallop dredging on a soft sediment community:a large-scale experimental study. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 134, 131–150.
Currie, D. R., & Parry, G. D. (1999). Impacts and efficiency of scallop dredging on different soft substrates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(4), 539–550.
Harrington, J. J., Semmens, J. M., Haddon, M., Harrington, J. J., Semmens, J. M., & Haddon, M. (2007). Spatial distribution of commercial dredge fishing effort: application to survey design and the spatial management of a patchily distributed benthic bivalve species. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58(8), 756–764.
Jenkins, S. R., Beukers-Stewart, B. D., & Brand, A. R. (2001). Impact of scallop dredging on benthic megafauna: a comparison of damage levels in captured and non-captured organisms. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 215, 297–301.
McLoughlin, R. J., Young, P. C., Martin, R. B., & Parslow, J. (1991). The Australian scallop dredge: estimates of catching efficiency and associated indirect fishing mortality. Fisheries Research, 11(1), 1–24.
Sciberras, M., Hinz, H., Bennell, J. D., Jenkins, S. R., Hawkins, S. J., & Kaiser, M. J. (2013). Benthic community response to a scallop dredging closure within a dynamic seabed habitat. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 480, 83–98.
Thrush, S., Hewitt, J., Cummings, V., & Dayton, P. (1995). The impact of habitat disturbance by scallop dredging on marine benthic communities: what can be predicted from the results of experiments? Marine Ecology Progress Series, 129, 141–150.

Fishery Management

Beukers-Stewart, B. D., Vause, B. J., Mosley, M. W. J., Rossetti, H. L., & Brand, A. R. (2005). Benefits of closed area protection for a population of scallops. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 298, 189–204.
Caton, A., & McLoughlin, K. (2004). Fisheries status reports: Status of fish stocks managed by the Australian Government. [Bureau of Rural Sciences].
Haddon, M., Harrington, J. J., & Semmens, J. (2006). Juvenile scallop discard rates and bed dynamics: testing the managment rules for scallops in Bass Strait (FRDC No. Project No. 2003/017; p. 181).
Harrington, J. J., Haddon, M., & Semmens, J. (2008). Facilitating industry self-managment for spatially managed stocks: a scallop case study (FRDC No. Project No. 2005/027; p. 217).
Harrington, J. J., Semmens, J. M., Haddon, M., Harrington, J. J., Semmens, J. M., & Haddon, M. (2007). Spatial distribution of commercial dredge fishing effort: application to survey design and the spatial management of a patchily distributed benthic bivalve species. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58(8), 756–764.
Jamieson, G. S., & Campbell, A. (1985). Sea scallop fishing impact on American lobsters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fish. Bull.
Lasta, M. L., & Iribarne, O. O. (1997). Southwestern Atlantic Scallop (Zygochlamys Patagonica) Fishery: Assessment of gear efficiency through a depletion experiment. Journal of Shellfish Research, 16(1), 59–62.
Minchin, D. (2003). Introductions: some biological and ecological characteristics of scallops. Aquatic Living Resources, 16(6), 521–532.
Semmens, J. M., Ovenden, J. R., Jones, N. A. R., Mendo, C., Macbeth, M., Broderick, D., Filardo, F., Street, R., Tracey, S. R., & Buxton, C. D. (2015). Establishing fine-scale industry based spatial management and harvest strategies for the Commercial Scallop in south east Australia (No. Project No. 2008/022; p. 152).
Semmens, J. M., Mendo, T., Jones, N., Keane, J. P., Ewing, G., & Hartmann, K. (2019). Determining when and where to fish: Linking scallop spawning, settlement, size and condition to collaborative spatial harvest and industry in-season management strategies (FRDC No. Project No. 2012/027; p. 100).
Smith, S. J., & Robert, G. (1998). Getting more out of your survey designs: an application to George Bank scallops (Placopesten magellanicus) (G. S. Jamieson & A. Campbell, Eds.; pp. 3–14). NRC Research Press.


Ewing, G., & Lyle, J. (2017). D’entrecastaux channel scallop survey and stock status update: 2017 (p. 17) [IMAS].
Ewing, G., Kilpatrick, R., Tracey, S., & Graba-Landry, A. (2022). Tasmanian recreational scallop fishery: survey and stock status update: 2022 (p. 16).
Ewing, G., Keane, J., & Semmens, J. (2018). Industry-independent video survey of commercial scallop (Pecten fumatus) densities in Great Oyster Bay – May 2017 survey (p. 18) [IMAS].
Forbes, E., & Lyle, J. (2016). D’entrecastaux channel scallop survey and stock status update: 2016 (p. 12).
Semmens, J. M., Day, R., Moreno, D., & Ewing, G. (2020). 2020 Fishery-independent video survey of commercial scallop (Pecten fumatus) densities in scallop survey sub-area 6A of the Tasmanian Scallop Fishery (p. 27) [IMAS].
Tracey, S. R., & Lyle, J. M. (2011). Stock assessment of scallops in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, 2006-2011 [IMAS].
Tracey, S., Ewing, G., & Forbes, E. (2020). D’entrecastaux channel scallop survey and stock status update: 2020 [IMAS].

Technical Reports

Cropp, D. A. (1988). Hatchery Production of Scallop Spat for Large Scale Reseeding Trials (FRDC No. Project No. 1984/093; p. 96).
Day, R. D., McCauley, R. D., Fitzgibbon, Q. P., Hartmann, K., & Semmens, J. M. (2016). Assessing the impact of marine seismic surveys on southeast australian scallop and lobster fisheries (FRDC No. Project No. 2012/008; p. 175).
Haddon, M., Harrington, J. J., & Semmens, J. (2006). Juvenile scallop discard rates and bed dynamics: testing the managment rules for scallops in Bass Strait (FRDC No. Project No. 2003/017; p. 181).
Hammond, L., Black, K., Jenkins, G., & Hodgkinson, R. (1994). The influence of water circulation patterns in Bass Strait on recruitment success and stock differences in scallops. (FRDC No. Project No. 87/117).
Harrington, J. J., Haddon, M., & Semmens, J. (2008). Facilitating industry self-managment for spatially managed stocks: a scallop case study (FRDC No. Project No. 2005/027; p. 217).
Mendo, T., Lyle, J., Tracey, S., Moltschaniwskyj, N. A., & Semmens, J. (2013). Post-settlement processes affecting Commercial Scallop recruitment in South East Tasmanian [IMAS].
Semmens, J. M., Day, R., Moreno, D., & Ewing, G. (2020). 2020 Fishery-independent video survey of commercial scallop (Pecten fumatus) densities in scallop survey sub-area 6A of the Tasmanian Scallop Fishery (p. 27) [IMAS].
Semmens, J. M., Ovenden, J. R., Jones, N. A. R., Mendo, C., Macbeth, M., Broderick, D., Filardo, F., Street, R., Tracey, S. R., & Buxton, C. D. (2015). Establishing fine-scale industry based spatial management and harvest strategies for the Commercial Scallop in south east Australia (No. Project No. 2008/022; p. 152).
Semmens, J. M., Mendo, T., Jones, N., Keane, J. P., Ewing, G., & Hartmann, K. (2019). Determining when and where to fish: Linking scallop spawning, settlement, size and condition to collaborative spatial harvest and industry in-season management strategies (FRDC No. Project No. 2012/027; p. 100).