Bluethroat Wrasse

Bluethroat Wrasse

pinungana (Fish)
In palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines, with thanks to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre.

Notolabrus tetricus (Bluethroat Wrasse)


2021/22 Bluethroat Wrasse Status (Released March 24)

Summary Catches, effort and CPUE of Bluethroat Wrasse have remained relatively stable for almost a decade, providing little reason for concern that the current level of fishing pressure is too high. Uncertainty remains over levels of potential localised depletion, and about the size of the catch taken by rock lobster fishers for use as bait. Relatively low catches over the last three seasons have likely been caused by a combination of COVID impacts and changes in fishery dynamics.
Importance Key
Stock Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery
Indicator(s) Catch, effort and CPUE trends
Managing Jurisdiction State (Tasmania)


Two species of Wrasse are taken commercially in Tasmanian waters: Notolabrus tetricus (Bluethroat Wrasse) and Notolabrus fucicola (Purple Wrasse). The two species have only been distinguished in catch data since 2007, despite their different size, depth, and tendency to be captured by different gear. Both species are protogynous hermaphrodites, with all individuals beginning life as females and some undergoing a sex inversion after maturity. Both Wrasse are reef-associated and are targeted primarily using fish traps (mainly Purple Wrasse) and handline (mainly Bluethroat Wrasse). Live fish trade is the main interstate market for Wrasse, while the local market comprises dead Wrasse for rock lobster bait and some human consumption. The live-fish fishery has accounted for > 90% of total reported catches since 2001/02 and there is no significant recreational fishery for these species.

The full 2021/22 Scalefish Assessment, released March 2024, can be found at the link:

Latest Scalefish Assessment

Learn more about fisheries terms and concepts on our Science Information page:

Science Terms and Concepts

Scalefish Fishery

Catch, Effort and CPUE

Risk-Based Framework

Catch Only Approach

Social and Economic Indicators