Southern Calamari MSC-RBF

MSC-RBF Status

<60: Fail – High Risk

The southern calamari fishery scored < 60 in the MSC-RBF analysis, failing assessment with high risk of stock damage. The Productivity Susceptibility Analysis indicated this species is moderately productive – a demersal egg layer with moderate fecundity and a short generation time. Southern calamari are highly susceptible to capture and damage by the fishery. Fishing effort overlaps with > 30% of stock distribution as well as the shallow depth range inhabited by adult and sub-adult southern calamari. Individuals become available to the fishery around 90 – 120 days old as they migrate from deeper water. The younger of these are not yet mature, therefore there is a high likelihood that some immature individuals are caught and retained. The Consequence Analysis showed a likely reduction in population size with a steeply declining trend in CPUE over time. The fishery targets spawning aggregations of southern calamari and recent data show reduced egg production. Thus, this is an over-exploited, recruitment-impaired species, and fishery activity represents a high risk to stock structure and recruitment dynamics.

Productivity Attributes

Average age at maturity1
Average maximum age1
Reproductive strategy2
Trophic level3
Density dependence 3

Susceptibility Attributes

Post-capture mortality3

Consequence Analysis

Vulnerable Subcomponent(s)Score
All<60 – Fail

More information on the Marine Stewardship Council Risk-Based Framework (MSC-RBF) Methodology is available on our MSC-RBF Assessment page.