King George Whiting Biology


SpeciesSillaginodes punctatus
Common NameKing George Whiting
HabitatSand, seagrass (juveniles < 100 mm long are found abundantly in patches of sand among shallow seagrass, while adults normally live and feed in bare sand habitat)
Depth0 – 25 m (Edgar, 2008)
DistributionJurien Bay, Western Australia, to northern New South Wales and northern Tasmania (Edgar, 2008)
DietAmphipods and other crustaceans, polychaetes, molluscs, and peanut worms (Sipuncula) (Robertson, 1977)
Stock StructureTwo genetically distinct populations in northern Tasmania (east coast St. Helens and northwest Stanley); Tas stock/populations are genetically distinct from mainland; two distinct mainland populations (combined SA and Vic, and WA); NW Tas stock (exposed coast) comprises sub-adults and adults, east coast Tas stock (protected estuary) dominated by juveniles.
MovementMovement offshore for spawning (Jenkins et al., 2016; Nicholls, 2018)
M (Natural Mortality)0.16 (Tas populations combined) (Nicholls, 2018)
Maximum Age (Years)15 (Kailola et al., 1993)
Maximum Length (cm; assumed total length if no indication otherwise)690 (Edgar, 2008)
Maximum Weight (g)5000 (Edgar, 2008)
Female K (von Bertalanffy growth parameter)0.2
Male K (von Bertalanffy growth parameter)0.24
Female t0 (age (years) when length = 0)-1.58
Male t0 (age (years) when length = 0)-1.45
Female Loo (asymptotic von Bertalanffy length (cm))57 (total length) (Nicholls, 2018)
Male Loo (asymptotic von Bertalanffy length (cm))51.9 (total length) (Nicholls, 2018)
Size at Maturity (cm)40 (Jenkins et al., 2016; Nicholls, 2018)
Age at Maturity (Years)4 (Jenkins et al., 2016; Nicholls, 2018)
Spawning SeasonLate summer – winter (March – late May)
Spawning LocationOffshore – location unknown for Tasmanian stocks (Kailola et al., 1993; Fowler et al., 1999; Jenkins et al., 2016; Nicholls, 2018)
Batch Fecundity (F) to Fork LengthBF = 461.16(TL)-143772.8 (BF = batch fecundity, TL = total length (mm); 29 samples from King Island) (Fowler et al., 1999)
Batch Fecundity (F) to Age (A; years)BF =3731.1(Age)-24202.65 (BF = batch fecundity; Age (years) 29 samples from King Island) (Fowler et al., 1999)
Batch Fecundity to Weight (g)BF = 129.07(W)-10254.66 (BF = batch fecundity, W = ovary-free weight (g); 29 samples from King Island) (Fowler et al., 1999)
Egg Size0.72 – 1.055 mm diameter (Fowler et al., 1999)
RecruitmentVariable, linked to environmental condisions resulting in strong and weak recruitment events that have major impacts on demographic structure of stock (Nicholls, 2018)
Early Life HistoryPost-larvae (3-4 months old; approx. 2cm length) settle into shallow seagrass (Zostera and Posidonia) beds within bays and gulfs in winter/spring; juveniles inhabit sheltered shallow waters (<1.5 m) before migrating to deeper water (5 – 15m) at approx. 1.5 years of age and 250 mm TL (Jenkins, 2005; Jenkins et al., 2016)