Yelloweye Mullet Biology


SpeciesAldrichetta forseri
Common NameYelloweye Mullet
HabitatSheltered sand, seagrass, may ascend rivers into freshwater
Depth≤ 20 m (Edgar, 2008)
DistributionWestern Australia (Shark Bay) to New South Wales, around Tasmania, New Zealand (Edgar, 2008)
DietPlanktonic animals (juvenile fish), benthic crustaceans and molluscs (medium-sized fish), almost exclusively algae (larger fish) (Edgar, 2008)
Stock StructureNo genetic studies but there appears to be two populations: eastern Australia and western Australia
MovementSchooling fish (Kailola et al., 1993)
M (Natural Mortality)0.66 (New Zealand population) (Taylor and Paul, 1998)
Maximum Age (years)7
Maximum Length (total length; cm)50 (Edgar, 2008)
Maximum Weight (g)950 (Edgar, 2008; Curtis and Shima, 2005)
Unsexed K (von Bertalanffy growth parameter)0.51
Unsexed t0 (age (years) when length = 0)-0.03
Unsexed L∞ (asymptotic von Bertalanffy length (fork length; cm))40
Length (FL; fork length (cm))– Weight (W; g) RelationshipW=0.000239 L^3.2 (males and females combined, although different between sexes) (Chubb et al., 1981; Gorman, 1962; Last et al., 1983)
Age at Maturity (years)2 – 3 (Kailola et al., 1993)
Spawning SeasonSummer and autumn
Spawning LocationCoastal waters, probably in estuaries
Additional Spawning InformationForm large aggregations prior to spawning; pelagic eggs; fecundity 125 000 – 630 000 eggs (Chubb et al., 1981; Kailola et al., 1993)
Early Life HistoryJuveniles enter esturaries and sheltered bays when they are 3 – 4 cm long, remain there until 25 – 30 cm tail length; gradually move to more open coastal waters with age (Kailola et al., 1993)
Gillnet Post Release SurvivalLow: 10% (Lyle et al., 2014)