

pinungana (Fish)
In palawa kani, the language of Tasmanian Aborigines, with thanks to the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre.

Sphyraena novaehollandiae (Snook)


2022/23 Snook Status (Released August 24)

Summary Recorded catches of Snook are low, likely because the species is not actively targeted due to low market demand. Biological analyses suggest that the current level of fishing mortality is unlikely to impair stock recruitment.
Importance Minor
Stock Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery
Indicator(s) Catch, effort and CPUE trends
Managing Jurisdiction State (Tasmania)


Snook inhabits shallow coastal and surface (≤ 20 m) offshore waters, often occurring in large schools. This species is mainly targeted using troll and small mesh net gear but is also a by-product of beach seining and gillnetting. Snook is not an important recreational target species in Tasmania; however, landings do occur. Another species of ‘Pike’, Dinolestes lewini (Longfin Pike) is also caught in Tasmanian waters, but the vast majority of ‘Pike’ catches are likely to be Snook.

The latest full Scalefish Assessment can be found at the link:

Latest Scalefish Assessment

Learn more about what each stock status classification means on our Stock Status Classifications Information Page:

Stock Status Classifications

Learn more about fisheries terms and concepts on our Science Information page:

Science Terms and Concepts

Scalefish Fishery

Catch, Effort and CPUE

Risk-Based Framework

Catch Only Approach

Social and Economic Indicators