Common Jack Mackerel Biology


SpeciesTrachurus declivis
Common NameJack Mackerel
HabitatOpen Water
Depth0 – 500 m (Edgar, 2008)
DistributionWestern Australia (Shark Bay) to southern Queensland, around Tasmania, New Zealand (Edgar, 2008)
DietKrill, planktonic crustaceans, fish (Kailola et al., 1993)
Stock StructureMost likely two subpopulations: eastern Australian (eastern Tasmania and eastern seaboard of mainland Australia), western Australian (western Tasmania, Great Australian Bight, Western Australia) (Kailola et al., 1993; Jorden et al., 1998; Bulman et al., 2008)
MovementSchooling fish; normally inhabit in continental shelf waters, may move close to seabed during winter
M (Natural Mortality)0.63 – 0.70 (Stevens and Hausfeld, 1982)
Maximum Age (years)25 (Paul, 2000)
Maximum Length (total length; cm)64 (Paul, 2000)
Female K (von Bertalanffy growth parameter)0.267
Male K (von Bertalanffy growth parameter)0.267
Female t0 (age (years) when length = 0)-1.21
Male t0 (age (years) when length = 0)-1.21
Female L∞ (asymptotic von Bertalanffy length (total length; cm))36.2
Male L∞ (asymptotic von Bertalanffy length (total length; cm))36.2
Length (TL; total length (cm)) – Weight (W; g) RelationshipW=1.46.10^(-8) L^2.982 (males and females) (Lyle et al., 2000)
Spawning SeasonLate December – early March
Spawning LocationOccurs over wide area in Tasmania (Stevens and Hausfeld, 1982)
Additional Spawning InformationPelagic eggs
RecruitmentNo-stock recruitment relationship established
Early Life HistoryLarvae carried by inshore currents; juveniles inhabit coastal and estuarine waters, although they may sometimes be found offshore (Kailola et al., 1993; Williams and Pullen, 1986)