Giant Crab References

Giant Crab References


Ziegler, P. E., Haddon, M., & Gardner, C. (2007). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2005-2006 (p. 49).
Ziegler, P. E., Haddon, M., & Gardner, C. (2009). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2007-2008 (p. 62).
Mills, D., Mackinnon, C., & Gardner, C. (2005). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2003-2004.
Mills, D., Haddon, M., & Gardner, C. (2006). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2004-2005 (p. 53).
Hartmann, K., & Gardner, C. (2011). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2009-2010.
Gardner, C., Mackinnon, C., Burch, P., & Bermudes, M. (2004). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2002-2003. 42.
Gardner, C., Bermudes, M., & Mackinnon, C. (2003). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2001-2002 (p. 47).
Gardner, C. (2002). FISHERY ASSESSMENT REPORT 2000-2001 (p. 31).
Emery, T., Hartmann, K., & Gardner, C. (2015). FISHERIES ASSESSMENT REPORT 2013-1014.

Fishery Management

Anon. (1995). There’s a future in giant crabs, if we’re careful. Fishing Today, 8(6), 35–37.
Gardner, C. (1998). The Tasmanian Giant Crab Fishery: A Synopsis of Biological and Fisheries Information (Internal Report No. 43). Marine Resources Division, Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.
Gardner, C. (2009). Re-assessing giant crab (Pseudocarcinus gigas) size limits to optimise value and sustainability of the fishery (Nos. 2006–022; pp. 1–46).
Gardner, C., Ziegler, P., & Jennings, S. (2009). Re-Assessing-Giant-Crab-Size-Limits-to-Optimise-Value-and-Sustainability.pdf (FRDC No. FRDC 2006/022).
Gardner, C., Ibbott, I., & Frusher, S. (2000). Should Giant Crab Quota be based on number of animals landed or the weight landed? [Internal report]. Tasmanian Aquaculture and Fisheries Institute.
León, R., Gardner, C., & Hartmann, K. (2017). Assessment of interaction between giant crab trap and benthic trawl fisheries (p. 52) [IMAS].
Levings, A. H. (1999). Giant Crab Research Fishing Report for Spring 1998, Tasmania. [FRDC Project Draft Report to W. Ford].
McGarvey, R., Mathews, J., & Gaertner, P. (2001). Giant crab management model simulator (p. 22). SARDI.
McGarvey, R., Matthews, J. M., & Levings, A. H. (1999). Yield-, Value-, and Egg-per-recruit of Giant Crab, Pseudocarcinus gigas [Report to FRDC]. SARDI.
Mills, D., & Gardner, C. (2001). New Project to improve giant crab stock assessment. Fishing Today, 14(3), 17.
Revill, H. (2006). Assessing the ecological sustainability of the Tasmanian giant crab fishery.;jsessionid=C343B1FBF7F67DAD9DD5185EEA243A74?doi=
Ward, T., & Loiterton, B. (2000). Management program for giant crab (Pseudocarcinus gigas) in South Australia. Primary Industries and Resources South Australia.
Williams, A., Gardner, C., Althaus, F., Barker, B., & Mills, D. (2009). Understanding shelf-break habitat for sustainable management of fisheries with spatial overlap (No. FRDC 2004/066; p. 12).