Striped Trumpeter MSC-RBF

MSC-RBF Status

<60: Fail – High Risk

The striped trumpeter fishery scored < 60 in the MSC-RBF analysis, failing assessment with high risk of stock damage. The Productivity Susceptibility Analysis indicated this species is moderately productive – long-lived with a long generation time and potential to reach a large size, as well as being a highly fecund broadcast spawner. Striped trumpeter are highly susceptible to capture and damage by the fishery and are targeted in Tasmania across > 30% of the stock distribution. The Consequence Analysis showed a high risk of damage across all subcomponents of the fishery. A steadily declining trend in CPUE over time suggests striped trumpeter population size may be reduced within fished areas. The legal size limit is below the size at maturity and the age structure of landings is generally aging with a shortage of smaller, younger fishing indicating stock structure and recruitment dynamics are at high risk of continued damage.

Productivity Attributes

Average age at maturity2
Average maximum age3
Average maximum size2
Average size at maturity2
Reproductive strategy1
Trophic level3

Susceptibility Attributes

Post-capture mortality3

Consequence Analysis

Vulnerable Subcomponent(s)Score
All<60 – Fail

More information on the Marine Stewardship Council Risk-Based Framework (MSC-RBF) Methodology is available on our MSC-RBF Assessment page.