Undaria Biology


Photo credit: Marinova Pty Ltd

HabitatShallow subtidal rocky substrate.Schiel and Thompson (2012)
DistributionUndaria pinnatifida is native to coast areas of Russia and Asia, with large populations in Japan, North Korea, and China. It is invasive in most temperate countries in the world. In Australia, U. pinnatifida is found in some areas of southern Victoria, the western Bass Strait Islands, and Tasmania.South et al (2017); Schiel and Thompson (2012)
GrowthRapid growth: up to 15 mm per day and can reach reproductive maturity with 1 – 3 months after recruitment.Schiel and Thompson (2012)
Reproductive biologyUndaria pinnatifida has an annual, heteromorphic life-cycle with two morphological stages – (1) macroscopic sporophytes (5 – 7 months; produces spores from which gametophytes arise) and (2) microscopic gametophytes (produces eggs and sperm) and sporelings (new young individuals). Sporelings and gametophytes can survive until environmental conditions are suitable, allowing the species to delay recruitment up to 2.5 years. Highly fecund species, producing up to 700 million spores per individual.South et al (2017); Hewitt et al (2005); Schiel and Thompson (2012)