Subcomponent 100 80 60 Fail
Population size Insignificant change to population size/growth rate (r). Change is unlikely to be detectable against natural variability for this population. Possible detectable change in size/growth rate (r) but minimal impact on population size and none on dynamics. Full exploitation rate but long-term recruitment dynamics not adversely damaged. Consequence is higher risk than 60 level.
Reproductive capacity Insignificant change in reproductive capacity. Unlikely to be detectable against natural variability for this population. Possible detectable change in reproductive capacity but minimal impact on population dynamics. Detectable change in reproductive capacity. Impact on population dynamics at maximum sustainable level, long-term recruitment dynamics not adversely affected.
Age/size/sex structure Insignificant change in age/size/sex structure. Unlikely to be detectable against natural variability for this population. Possible detectable change in age/size/sex structure but minimal impact on population dynamics. Detectable change in age/size/sex structure. Impact on population dynamics at maximum sustainable level, long-term recruitment dynamics not adversely affected.
Geographic range Insignificant change in geographic range. Unlikely to be detectable against natural variability for this population. Possible detectable change in geographic range but minimal impact on population distribution and none on dynamics. Detectable change in geographic range up to 10% of original distribution due to fishing activities.